CRYSTAL Token Bridge Guide
The KING token, the governance token of Klay Kingdoms, and the CRYSTAL token, which is acquired as an LP reward and used mainly in the game, are tokens issued as KIP-7 on the Klaytn blockchain. In order to use these tokens in Klay Kingdoms, you need to convert them into in-game currency, iKING or Crystal, by using the “Bridge” function.
STEP 1. Swap CRYSTAL Tokens Using Bridge
Let’s swap the CRYSTAL token from the DEX into Crystal, the in-game currency, by using the Bridge feature. First, click and open the menu at the top right of the screen, and click the Bridge icon at the bottom right.
After clicking Bridge, the KING TOKEN BRIDGE menu pops up. In the Deposit tab, choose CRYSTAL from the Select Token list. Then enter the amount of CRYSTAL you want to exchange. For example, let’s try 300 CRYSTAL tokens.
Since we have entered 300 into the box, “300 Crystals” is automatically shown at the bottom. Then click SWAP to request a transaction. After approving the transaction, the bridge process is done.
STEP 2. Claim Crystals in your Inbox
You can actually use the processed Crystals as in-game currency after claiming them from your inbox. Click the menu button to open the Inbox. Select the On-Chain tab and click Claim to receive the Crystals.
Please note that it may take a few minutes for Crystals swapped on the bridge to be sent to your inbox. Therefore, if you cannot find the Crystals, please try again later.
You can see the 300 Crystals that were claimed at the top of the screen.
Last updated