LP Seed Deposit and Harvest Guide
In the Klay Kingdoms ecosystem, CRYSTAL tokens are gained as a reward for providing and depositing liquidity.
Please check the process described below.
Create LP Seeds (Farm Menu) → Deposit LP Seeds (Harvest Menu) → Reward as CRYSTAL Tokens (Harvest Menu)
STEP 1. Enter the Farm
First, you need to visit the farm in order to create LP seeds that provide liquidity to the Klay Kingdoms DEX. You can move to the farm by selecting the farm from the upper right mini-map in the entry square. You can also enlarge the Klay Kingdoms map by pressing M on your keyboard.
STEP 2. Create LP Seeds
After entering the farm, if you approach Chloe, a new menu for creating LP seeds will automatically pop up. In this menu, you can see the list of LP seeds available to provide liquidity to the Klay Kingdoms DEX.
Now, let’s look into how to make KING - oUSDT LP seeds.
As you may guess from the LP seed pool’s title, LP seeds consist of a pair of tokens. In the case of the KING - oUSDT pool, the KING and oUSDT token are paired at a 1:1 ratio. The amount of tokens fluctuates according to the value ratio of the time when created.
For example, we have prepared 95 oUSDT tokens and 83 KING tokens to create LP seeds.
From the list of available pairs, click KING - oUSDT and you will see a menu for creating LP seeds. Here we can enter the number of tokens that we would like to make into LP seeds.
In this example, entering 94 into the oUSDT box automatically shows the corresponding amount of KING tokens, which is 82.768388. The number changes depending on the current value of KING tokens.
After entering the number you want to use to create LP seeds, click APPROVE at the bottom. Then click APPROVE again in the transaction menu that appears. This happens when you try to create KING - oUSDT LP seeds for the first time.
Next, click DEPOSIT at the bottom of the menu. The transaction approval will be requested again.
Once the transaction has been approved, the LP seeds have been successfully created.
Now, let’s visit Olivia to deposit those LP seeds.
STEP. 3 Deposit LP Seeds
This time, if you approach Olivia, the harvest menu appears. No matter where you are, you can also open this menu by clicking the harvest icon from the upper right in-game menu. In the Harvest menu, you can check the list of the LP seeds available to deposit.
As we’ve created the KING - oUSDT LP seeds via Chloe at the farm, now we can see the 0.0001 LP STAKE AVAILABLE button activated. By clicking this button, you can see the DEPOSIT menu. In order to deposit all the LP seeds created, click MAX and then APPROVE. Then the first transaction request for LP seed deposit begins. After approving the request, click STAKE to deposit the LP seeds.
Now you can check your deposit status in the Harvest menu.
STEP 4. Boost with KINGs NFTs
You can get an additional reward of 10% to the deposited LP seeds through staking KINGs NFTs.
First, open the Harvest menu and you can check your deposit status by clicking the number next to My Deposit at the bottom of the list.
Then click NFT BOOST to open the NFT BOOST menu. Scroll down a bit and choose the NFT you want to use from the My NFT List and click the BOOST button. After approving the transaction, the NFT boost (staking) process is done. You can get an additional 10% reward from now on.
If you would like to disable the boost, you can just click the UNBOOST button and approve the transaction that follows.
STEP 5. Harvest CRYSTAL Tokens
You can receive CRYSTAL tokens as a reward for depositing LP seeds from the Harvest menu whenever you want. Select the number in My Deposit and click CLAIM at the bottom. Then the corresponding amount of the CRYSTAL tokens will be immediately sent to your wallet.
If you cannot find the CRYSTAL tokens in your wallet, you should follow the KING token import process, but use the CRYSTAL token contract address listed below.
CRYSTAL token contract address: 0xe7f51a2adf742ed6dad7c1bbf95f03d3e9d7c222
Last updated